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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Today's training session was all about short intense hill training. I road out to a hill and did 6 hill repeats on a fairly long climb. Then road home and switched out my tri bike to my mountain bike and road to another hill that local runners refer to as " horror hill"
The dirt hill doesn't look like much in the photo but it's a killer! I road up the hill in my mountain bike and even in my granny gear I was hurting. 
I ran up and down the hill 3 times and then called it quits!

Just to suffer a little more I then headed over to the pool for a short speed session.
I spent 20 minutes in the pool with a 10 minute focus on 50m sprints with 15 second recovery.

I should be nice and rested for my 170km ride tomorrow. HAHA!!


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