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Monday, June 16, 2014

Chris rode 140km up to the cottage on Friday and faced the most brutal headwinds the entire way there. He said the wind was actually pushing him backwards! Definitely the most difficult ride he has ever done. He chalked it up to some good solid training!

I managed to get my solo long ride in up at the cottage yesterday. I wasn't too sure if I would be able to since I'm unfamiliar with the roads.  It seems there are more  gravel roads and busy highway roads than quite country roads up there.

I was also unfamiliar with water spots to top up my water. I ended running out of water half way through my ride at 60km.Yikes! I rode for 5km without water and thought I hit the jack pot when I saw a water pump at the side of the road. Then I read the sign DO NOT DRINK THE WATER ! I was at least willing to taste the water but it was broken anyway !

Usually churches or county stores is where we fill up, so when I saw a church across the street from the water pump I was grateful that I would be able to get some water at the church.
After riding for awhile my mind becomes just as fatigued as the rest of me, and I couldn't figure out why the church had a gate across it. A lady was standing on the other side of the gate and I asked her if this was a church or a home. It was her home of course! Anyway, she was kind enough to fill up my bottles with water from her fridge and off I went to finish the rest of my ride.

Close to the end of my ride I ran out of nutrition. I saw a fruit stand at the side of the road so I stopped in, I was craving a peach!
Another fail. The fruit store was completely empty except for a few baskets of strawberries.
How does that saying go?  Failing to plan is planning to fail!!!
I was grateful to get my ride in but I called it a day after 110km!


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