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Monday, June 16, 2014

Sometimes plans change...
Thursday's are typically my long ride with Lisa, however on Thursday June 12th Lisa headed up to Mont Tremblant to attend Nigel Gray's training camp. I was not eager to put in 120km on my own on Thursday but I knew I had to get it done. That was until my daughter woke up not well and she had to stay home from school :(  
No worries, I would just make up the long ride on the weekend. 
Instead of the long ride, later that evening I went out for a short 30km ride. It was a beautiful evening and I couldn't help but "stop for pop! "
I was feeling a little guilty for stopping during such a short ride, that was until I started riding again and saw a major accident 2km down the road, IN my bike lane! 
I stopped to make sure everyone was o.k, besides a badly damaged car thankfully everyone was okay.
Needless to say I was glad I stopped for pop.
Be safe out there everyone!!


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