:::: MENU ::::

Thursday, May 29, 2014

You know you have started to lose perspective of distance when a 70km ride becomes a short ride!
The weather was perfect and the company even better. Lisa was trying out a new bike today and she was slowly falling in love(full carbon Trek). I think she just might have to buy it!

I just have to say that long training days are so much more enjoyable with a partner. I typically do my longer rides by myself so when I have a day off that Jen and Lisa are going out riding the time goes by so much quicker. I also love how they always end their rides at The Pita Pit!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

There is nothing better than starting the day with an early ride and watching the sun come up. 
The weather was warm,the rain had just ended and the only traffic on the road was a few horses.
I managed a short 30km ride and attacked the hills to make it count!

I didn't get around to posting my long ride last week with Lisa. We rode 110km on a beautiful  country route and we came across these cute little goats hanging out.
After our ride we were starving and the Fuel at Pita Pit tasted simply AMAZING !!!!
I think Pita Pit is going to become a regular pit stop after our long ride!!!

To say I was a little excited is an understatement. I've only been waiting 12 years for these wheels!!!
A set of racing wheels can easily run you $2000, and with my husband and I both wanting wheels it can easily add up. Once kids come along, wheels definitely go on the back burner!
That is until Flo Cycling came along, finally a company to come out with a great wheel at a reasonable price. The company has fantastic customer service as well. Jon ( one of the founders of the company)  helped me out with wheel selection and all my questions. I went with his recommendation, a 30 on the front and a 60 on the rear due to the hills in Mont Tremblant for the Ironman.
It was definitely worth the wait!!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

It was really nice to see that it's starting to look green out on the trails. Summer can't be too far off. Although it was a chilly 3 degrees celsius this morning as Lisa and I headed out at 7am for our long run. It was beautiful on the trails. Our long runs together are always good for our mind, body and soul!
Now we just need a watch with a map to prevent us from getting lost!  ( today wasn't too bad, we only got lost once in the trails :)

The best part was coming home to flowers from my little guy!xoxo

Getting lost on the trails!

Navigating the mud on the trails!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

It was great weather today if you are a duck. Or great cycling weather if you are a little crazy AND training for Ironman!
Once again it was one of those days that Lisa and I were grateful to have each other as training partners.
We knew we had to get a 90km ride in today and it would have been easy to put it off if we didn't have each other to suffer with! It was a good training session to help build up our confidence regarding the descents in the rain. Flying down a hill at 40-50km/hr on a slick road can be a little nerve -racking!
One tip I just found out was to lower the tire pressure 10-20 PSI on a rainy day. This allows more tire to contact the road and allows for a better grip.
When we started out it was just lightly drizzling and
that quickly changed to a steady rain followed by a heavy downpour.
I actually quite enjoyed it! I love training in the rain if it is a warm rain, and thankfully it was fairly warm.
However the last 20km home were tough. The wind was picking up to 35km/hr crosswinds and our legs were starting to become a little numb and crampy due to the weather.
A hot coffee and a hot tub was next on the list!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

My training partner Lisa had to work today so we both ended up running solo today on our long run.
She got her run in by running to work. I ran 18km through the trails today and it was beautiful. Although I missed my training partner today! It's nice to have someone to talk to for 2 hours and to hold you accountable for the training!

Chocolate milk is great for recovery. Today I mixed chocolate milk,ice,protein powder,banana,peanut butter. Delicious!!

After my long ride with Lisa last week my bike had a visit to the shop. Near the end or our ride last week my shifter came loose and the gears were jumping all over the place. Thankfully Zoltan at Ziggy's fixed the gears quickly and my bike was good to go again.
Today the weather was threatening rain again on our long ride so we held off until 10am and began our 80km journey.
This time we played it smart and chose some side roads that had a cross wind instead of an out and back.  The wind gusts today were between 35-41km/hr.
To keep things consistent with our long ride last week, my bike had another malfunction about 12km from home. The screws holding my seat post/saddle came loose and they would not tighten, it seemed stripped.
Needless to say it was a fun ride home! Back to the shop went the bike! Grateful we got our 80km ride in at least!!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

It's a recovery week for us so we only did a 10km run for our long run today. All three Ironman Mont Tremblant trainee's ran the trails today. Thanks to Jake ( Lisa's son) who played and entertained our son Trevor while all three of us headed out for a run!
 It poured before our run and again after our run.Thank goodness the rain held off once again during our session.
Lisa made the most fantastic recovery drink. A chocolate milk banana protein shake.
Just what we needed, oh and the hot tub too!

Not bad! It's always hard breaking in new shoes through muddy trails!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

It's discouraging knowing you have to get a good long ride in and you look at the weather forecast for the week and it's rain, rain and more rain!
It was raining this morning so Lisa called and we discussed what we were going to do. Ride indoors on the trainer, or brave the elements.
I personally would rather watch paint dry than ride inside. Lisa's not a fan of the indoor trainer either, yet the wet, windy conditions were not so appealing either!
I twisted Lisa's arm a bit and I was so happy she agreed to the ride outside.
I couldn't help but feel the rain would pass and all we would be left with was the wind to contend with.  Just give me fresh air and scenery and I will take the wind over a" ride to nowhere" inside!

Instead of leaving from home, we drove out to a nice stretch in the country in case we had to bail due to heavy downpour. We parked at a church and off we went.
We couldn't believe as soon as we started the rain stopped, the dark clouds parted and out came the most beautiful sunshine. Funny how the simplest things can bring the most joy!
We had a great ride and we were so happy to be outdoors and get our long ride in.
It's our recovery week so we rode for only a couple of hours.
It was a good solid session since the wind was fierce again at times. 35km hr winds/56km wind gusts.
Perfect timing to call it quits,my shifter started to malfunction and  loosen at the end of the ride. I think I may have pinched my cable when I secured my tube from my speed fill bottle. (this time we only suffered two helmet head bonks when inspecting the bike issue! )

I had to be home by 1Pm since I was anxiously awaiting the countdown to place my order for a set of  Flo wheels for my bike. The online order began at 1pm and previous orders have been known to sell out within minutes.
The wheels have excellent reviews and the owners of the company are very approachable and helpful. I spoke with Jon one of the founders/owners of the company a week prior and he took time out to talk to me and educate me on what would be the best wheel set for me to order.
I am super excited for my new wheels to arrive!!

After I placed my FLO order I got a text from Lisa saying she just picked up some wine and she half jokingly asked if I would I like to come over for a hot tub and a drink. That is like asking someone in the desert if they would like a tall glass of cold water. I jumped at the offer!
There was a million other things we could have/should have been doing but sometimes you just have to take that time for yourself.
It was so worth it!
As much as I love Chocolate Milk as a recovery drink I think wine did a pretty good job today as well!

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