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Thursday, May 15, 2014

It was great weather today if you are a duck. Or great cycling weather if you are a little crazy AND training for Ironman!
Once again it was one of those days that Lisa and I were grateful to have each other as training partners.
We knew we had to get a 90km ride in today and it would have been easy to put it off if we didn't have each other to suffer with! It was a good training session to help build up our confidence regarding the descents in the rain. Flying down a hill at 40-50km/hr on a slick road can be a little nerve -racking!
One tip I just found out was to lower the tire pressure 10-20 PSI on a rainy day. This allows more tire to contact the road and allows for a better grip.
When we started out it was just lightly drizzling and
that quickly changed to a steady rain followed by a heavy downpour.
I actually quite enjoyed it! I love training in the rain if it is a warm rain, and thankfully it was fairly warm.
However the last 20km home were tough. The wind was picking up to 35km/hr crosswinds and our legs were starting to become a little numb and crampy due to the weather.
A hot coffee and a hot tub was next on the list!


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